How to live better with lymphoedema

MOH Talks presents a Webinar from August 2022 entitled 'How to live better with lymphoedema'. Tracy Green (Clinical Manager of SIGVARIS GROUP Britain) and Matt Hazledine (co-founder of Lymphoedema United) come together to discuss Matt's journey of living with lymphoedema, sharing his knowledge and experience, as well as tips and clinical exchanges across the hour.

​Presented in August 2022, SIGVARIS GROUP Britain presented a FREE webinar, in association with Lymphoedema United. The webinar was titled 'How to live better with lymphoedema'.

Clinical Manager, Tracy Green and founder of Lymphoedema United, Matt Hazledine, discussed in-depth, Matt's journey of living with lymphoedema, the daily challenges he has had and the management of using compression garments.

The webinar lasted for 60 minutes with a question and answer session at the end from the audience at the end.


Take home messages from the webinar

  • Properly fitting and comfortable compression garments are vital to effective daily self-management of lymphoedema. If too loose, they could be ineffective in controlling swelling. If too tight, your limb could become painful, perhaps causing rucking and could potentially break the skin increasing the risk of infection.

  • As a wearer of compression garments, it is beneficial to be informed about the choice of garments and styles, in addition to the options available to make wearing them more comfortable.

  • In-between 6-monthly clinic appointments, it maybe useful to measure your limb in several places (eg: ankle, calf, knee, mid-thigh) on the first day of the month and record them, monitoring any fluctuation in size, so you can apply additional compression if required (i.e. Velcro wraps)

Watch the complete MOH Talk





Matt Hazledine


Matt Hazledine Author and founder of Lymphoedema United

Matt was diagnosed with lymphoedema in 2011 after getting a severe bout of cellulitis that hospitalised him for 2-weeks. Since then, he has tried everything to reduce his swollen leg, including two types of surgery.

In 2021, Matt decided to share his experiences and tips to help others with this lifelong condition, by writing a book, joined by over 20 experts ‘How to Live Better with Lymphoedema – Meet the Experts’ and creating Lymphoedema United, a patient-based one-stop-shop website with everything you’d need to know and who to know to get trusted information and guidance. 25% of profits from his book and website are donated to lymphoedema charities.



Tracy Green

Tracy Green Clinical Manager for SIGVARIS GROUP Britain

Tracy is a Lymphoedema Nurse Consultant with almost 30 years experience in the field of lymphoedema, lipoedema and lower limb conditions. She has a Masters in Advancing Clinical Practice and Lymphoedema and was awarded the Lymphoedema Nurse of the Year in 2011 for her work in developing community led clinics for patients with lymphoedema.

Tracy has worked for SIGVARIS GROUP for over 9 years and is passionate about improving standards of care for patients with lymphoedema by providing quality education to healthcare professionals and supporting clinicians in the field to promote high quality care to patients. During her time with SIGVARIS GROUP, Tracy has developed several CPD accredited workshops and study days to support such education needs.


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